
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Business Management


Uma Bhushan


The case deals with corporate social responsibility (CSR) by looking closely at the evolution and launch ofone CSR project thatProfBhushan handled as the PR Manager in Siemens Ltd. The case is intended to be used as introduction to the subject to management students in both years of the management course. Written in a conversational style, this case also describes the communication means by which a company can leverage a community relationsprogram to externally build an image of a social responsible citizen and internally create employee involvemen t. The case also touches upon the additional responsibility ofthe Indian arm ofan MNC to localize theglobal mission andyet retain the parental values. The case can be discussed from two perspectives. From the marketing or business perspective, the case can start off discussions on the business needfor CSR initiatives, the need to align them with the corporate mission and strategy and differences and similarities between CSR and cause-branding or cause-related marketing. From a communication point of view, this case could be used to illustrate how CSR forms part of relationship building with key stakeholders, the implications ofmain taining and not maintaining good community relations, leveraging CSR initiatives to externally create an image ofa socially responsible corporate citizen and internally, employee involvementandpride. Most pertinently, this case can lead to as many internal and external CSR communication plans as the numberofstudents in a class.